I know this is covered in my general testimony, but it's broken down and summarized here. This is my testimony for www.stopsleepparalysis.org. Great ministry, from what I hear, and Tom Bionic has some great stories of those who have over come sleep paralysis. So here's mine.
I’ve given this testimony before, multiple times, but I’ve had some new things happen since then, well. It’s time to consolidate these. Unlike a lot of people, I don’t recall having sleep paralysis before becoming a Christian. In fact all of mine happened afterwards. I suspect because of I had switched sides in the Ephesians 6:12 spiritual war, from the side of Satan to the side of God by accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
Prior to this, I had had a pseudo Catholic influence and prayed as such, but hadn’t become a Christian. In my teens I had been into the New Age, ghosts, cryptozoology and UFO’s. In middle school I had read a few UFO books, and even into high school, I read Fate magazine quite a bit. This magazine had quite a number of each of those sorts of stories. I never really seriously practiced any magic or meditations, though from time to time I did try to move objects with my mind or collect chi/life energy so I could become stronger. I knew “magic” was wrong, but thought that psychic powers and stuff were natural phenomena. So, I had this sort of mixture of Bible and New Age mixed together in my head.
Episode 1: Night Terrors at 19
This one happened right after I had become a Christian. I was 19 and had just come to Christ through Chuck Swindoll’s ministry, Insight for Living. This was for purely selfish reasons, I didn’t want to go to hell, because deep in my heart I knew there was one.
Then I started reading the Bible and read quite a bit. I wouldn’t say I really “got it” but it was a good foundation. After some months of listening to Chuck and reading the Word, I occasionally caught Jerry Falwell’s program on TV. One of these few times, I saw they were talking about the Columbine massacre and had an author on commenting about the two killers and how they were into Satanism. The book they were pitching was The Dark Side of the Supernatural. Having come from the New Age, I had sort of this fascination with demons and spiritual warfare and so figured that I’d check it out.
Looking at it now, they have some really great information for a foundation of what the Bible said about UFO’s and a number of other things. I read it, but in some part of my heart I didn’t want to accept everything they said. One incident in the book was…sleep paralysis.
They talked about the classical “demon sitting on someone’s chest and pressing them down” story. I was freaked out by that. That night, or within a few days I had my first taste of sleep paralysis.
I awoke, and was being pressed into my bed and felt the most evil and hate-filled presence that one could imagine. Hate-filled is actually an understatement. Try as I might, actual words fail to describe the kind of intelligent evil that assaulted me in my bed that night. Luckily, it did not show itself.
I was confused. I wasn’t sure what was going on. My cat was not reacting to the presence, surely if something were in my room, my cat would react. Not so. She slept soundly.
It was then that I recalled what the Darkside book said. Which was more or less to pray in Jesus’ name and it will stop. So I did, and it stopped. I went back to sleep.
Episode 2: A year or more later
My second nocturnal attack was more or less the same as the first, except for one thing. I don’t remember how the attack stopped. It did stop of course, but all I remember is blacking out and going back to sleep.
My memory of this incident isn’t the best, but I have some ideas of what happened. What I think happened was that I did cry out to God, and I did eventually ask in the name of Jesus Christ for it to stop. It is also possible that I tried on my own to concentrate on moving one part of my body (a New Age, anti alien abduction technique) to make it stop. In any even, I think it did eventually stop after pleading in Christ’s name.
Why didn’t it stop right away?
At this time, though I was saved, I was living in sort of a “cheap grace” mode. Sometimes sinning thinking that I an just repent right away. Salvation was my get out of sin free card. I believe also that along with my Christian faith, I had not fully renounced my New Age beliefs. In fact, I tried on occasion to try developing telekinesis and also tried to will myself to dream of the future. In short, I was a Christian, but carnal. I confessed sin, but who knows how often I had truly repented of it. I also had sin, unconfessed, which I also didn’t believe was sin.
All of these things together, I believe resulted in a sleep paralysis attack that didn’t stop right away. As if God was showing me that the trick to beating this is that Jesus just isn’t a magic word, but that my relationship with Him had to be right.
Episode 3: Dark Shadows, Darker Shadows
My third episode was not really sleep paralysis, but related.
I was in my early to mid 20’s and lived in a basement, in a house with a pastor at the church I was going to. I still had sin issues in my life that I was dealing with, but was also going through a hugely dark time. I had just been fired from a job, I was struggling to find a new one. I also wrestled with what it meant to be a Christian.
I had been friends with a pagan or two at this point, and unfortunately they were not the best influences. Who knows how many demons were attached to them and if they (demons) decided to ravage my life. I was also really into occult entertainment, thinking it harmless. Buffy and Angel were my favorite shows. I played Soul Reaver a lot. These things subtly and not so subtly put my relationship with God on the rocks. On top of that, I was going to church mostly for socializing and I was dealing with a lot of anger from the job situation.
One night, I awoke in the middle of the night. Eyes closed, I could sense or feel that a person was in the room with me. Not that I claimed any psychic gift, but the way this person moved or felt in my room really seemed like it was my roommate. Like other times we had been in a room together.
But it couldn’t have been.
My door was quite noisy when opened, and my door had not opened. Furthermore, if it had been opened, my cat would have woken up and ran out of the door, or reacted in some way. Realizing this, I decided to open my eyes and peek around motionlessly.
I didn’t see anything or anybody. That is, until I looked into the darkest part of the room, where even light from the egress window didn’t go. In this mass of shadows, I saw a pitch black, man shaped figure. It stood motionless because I think it knew I saw it.
Again at this point, I don’t recall what happened. I believe that I whispered “In the name of Jesus Christ, leave” and went back to sleep. If not that, I prayed in Jesus’ name for it to leave and went to sleep.
It must have left because I was not bothered further.
Episode 4: A New Direction
After the shadow person incident, I went into a sort of slide. I continued struggling with sin issues, but also began to struggle with who God was. I felt really hurt and did the bare minimum one could do and still be called saved. I probably read my Bible infrequently as well. During this time I got back into UFOs big time, and did Yoga periodically and really was starting to get into some bad stuff again. Backsliding big time.
Not to plug the Revelations Radio Network, but it wasn’t until I started listening to Future Quake, reading Dr. Heiser’s work, listening to Russ Dizdar and Revelations Radio that I turned back to God. Long story short, God slowly healed those things and I’ve repented. I began to understand things from a real Christian worldview instead of the philosophically/morally Christian worldview.
I had an interesting dream which had an impact in the spirit world, but that’s not what this episode is about. Suffice it to say, there were a couple dreams that I am pretty I was visited by a demon, though not attacked.
One day, I heard Gaz Parker’s testimony. For some reason, I really felt an urge to get in touch with him, and we exchange(d) emails periodically. Within a very short time, Gaz encouraged me to do a blog. I began to pray for him to have deliverance from spiritual attacks he was having.
Almost right as I was starting the blog, I had a dream.
This dream I was in “my house” but it wasn’t actually the house I do live in, nor that I have ever lived in. Outside on the street was this tough looking biker guy, bald. My family was around too, but I saw this guy walking around outside on the street and I saw him and knew he was a demon. I was going to go outside and give him a whuppin’ and rebuke him in Jesus Christ’s name. I was just opening the screen door when I realized I couldn’t talk.
Then I just began thinking “the blood of Jesus” repeatedly and then I woke up instantly. As I began to become aware, I could feel my body suddenly being released from paralysis. At the time I knew it was a demonic attack because it felt like the same kind of presence as my first attack.
After this, I began praying to God about the spiritual armor, and asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I was able to bring each piece of armor to God, which is odd because I can never remember all of them.
Episode 5: Really?
My most recent attack wasn’t triggered by anything that I can think of off hand. And I really have no background story to go with it. I just remember waking up and feeling like there was a light pressure holding me down. It was incredibly light, but I could tell it was sleep paralysis.
Of course, by now I know what the game is, and as I was about halfway through thinking “Jesus” I could move.
Not to say that demons are not dangerous, but if I had to guess, this demon wasn’t fully committed to his mission to paralyze me. The reason being, I am taking my relationship with Christ a lot more seriously now, and I am doing my best to follow Him. This demon knew that Christ would save me from him, and so ran almost before he started.
So that's all I've got for now. I hope that I don't get anymore, but you never know. I do know that if they come again, Jesus will save me again as He has before.
UPDATE 5/2012
Episode 6
I recently slept in a room where I know someone did qigong. This person does qigong merely for health, and "knows the border" or where to stop before getting into outright demonic oppression I guess. And although I typically pray for protection before sleep, that night something was off with me and my prayers (maybe I forgot, maybe I had some unconfessed sin) and guess what. Sleep paralysis. It wasn't bad, but I felt something pushing on me and verbally asked Jesus for help as i awoke. And it stopped.
Weird Christian? Check. Weird Answers? Check. Answers from the Bible? Check. This blog is meant as a resource to answer questions Christians may have (or lack discernment on), but can't get the answers to in Church, and possibly give Biblical viewpoints on the same issues to the unsaved. If I contradict the Bible, go with what the Bible says, and please let me know where I am wrong, and why. I won't learn otherwise. May God's Holy Spirit lead you to Truth!
Your experiences are so very real! I had the last sleep paralysis episode in Dec 2011. They occur when you are in an altered state of consciousness, perhaps in the 3rd heaven that was referenced in corinthians a place that was nebulous to the apostles. I think yogis might call it the astral plane. But when you are there you are succeptible to influences other than the Holy Spirit if you aren't firmly yoked to him. The altered state in my case was induced by 0.5mg of Ambien generic. My neice called me out and said 'Don't take that shit'. But I reasoned that oh I'll be okay I'm so tired. WRONG! A black shadow man tried to envelop me with a continuous field of dark energy that night. My chest began to heave then breathing was severely restricted. I tried to call out to God and Jesus but my tongue got tied and could only say 'Ga...Jebuh....' then I began to think of my son and that I wanted to be alive to be a Mother to him and see him grow up and get married etc I thought this and asked Jesus,through thought, to help me. All of a sudden my son barged into the room, rubbing his eyes and the shadow man left. My son listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit and acted as an intercessor in this case. The lessons I learned from that experience are numerous. I learned about the power of intercession and that Jesus is the great intercessor! I believe my son will be in the ministry just like his Mother and his forefathers before him. May God continue to bless and keep you while you walk with him and share knowledge of things that we don't tend to tink about.
ReplyDeleteScary story, I hate shadow people.
DeleteUnfortunately, my experiences were all too real.
I've even been attacked in dreams and just rebuke them in Jesus Christ's name, and poof, gone. I've even taken Chris White's advice and thought in the dream "in the name of Jesus Christ, go to the abyss." And haven't been bothered beyond a few times after that. I don't 100% know if that's Biblical, but it seems to work. That and continuing my walk with Jesus!
I experienced sleep paralysis for the third time on May 11, 2012 at 2:30am. The devil was constantly attacking me the entire week by tricking me into believing the book, 'Baptize by Blazing Fire' was false through non-Christian friends who have heard of it. This book was actually a blessing. I started praying and seeking God more, speaking in tongues again, and rebuking.
ReplyDeleteRight before I went to bed, I remember one person I didn't pray for. Suddenly the word 'sleep paralysis' came to my heart, and I assumed, 'You can only experience it if you sleep a certain way.' As I shut my eyes to pray, I brought my hands close to each other and they became locked. Then, with my eyes shut, I stared at the person I forgot to pray for. He was just as I always remembered him, but more vivid. I looked to his right arm, and there was a dark shadow with spiky hair. The shadow was shorter, hiding behind the boy’s right arm. I focused my eyes on the shadow more, and it covered my eyes with its hand. The boy I once saw disappeared. Unexpectedly, the demon began to open my mouth. In my heart, I believe, it was trying to possess me. I attempted to rebuke the demon but I couldn’t do it correctly.
I said, “I deny you, I deny you.”
The demon was putting me to sleep, I think. I was getting confused, and words that I shouted in my mind came out wrong.
I now said, “I deny Christ, I deny Christ.”
I realized what I said after repeating it for quite a while, and called on Jesus. In His name the demon fled and I was able to get up after twenty minutes of fighting.
Maybe my testimony was long, but it was one of the most complex demonic encounters I have ever experienced.
God Bless,
Deeper Than Fathomless
thanks for sharing!
Deletescary stuff there, i hate sleep paralysis.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to get free of this and other demonic encounters. perhas your prayers for your friend are effective otherwise the enemy wouldn't bother.
my testimony is also really!
ReplyDeletei've been recently experienceing sleep paralysis for a week now(2012). Actually, it started when i was a child around about 14 years of age. during this time it came as dream, during this dream it was like i was at home with my siblings sleeping after watching TV then i saw small human figure like a child coming towards us, as this child was approaching me everything just shut down. the problem was that i could see this figure but i was unable to act, everthing stopped but i was still having control of my eyes. I tried to fight to move my body but i failed after sometime it realesed me than it ran away by then i got free.then after that i never experienced in thing because i told my mom and she use to pray with me. when i got to Varsity(2010) i was actively involve in Christian student fellowship programmes but after sometime later in the year in my 1st year this thing came back to me again. This time around i was just partially sleeping not in a deep sleep. I could hear everthing in the room but my roomates was in deep sleep, i heard a knock while i was sleeping and i decided to ignore it because i coudlnt believe that some1 could come and knock @ this time(00:00 am). Our door was locked but the person was knocking was able to open it and get in, immediately he steps in everthing shutted down, i could hear and see but the problem i was sleeping facing the wall opposite the door. I heard the step of man coming toward my study table, this person was going thru my Varsity books because i could hear him opening books but i cant acts out to stop him. During that moment it came to my thought that i should pray but i was unable to open my mouth. I prayed with my spirit, I cried out Jesus,Jesus, Jesus the this thing ran away. The last thing i heard was a Banging of a door as if someone was running away. Immediately i woke up my roomate to tell him what i have experienced and asked him to pray with me prayed together.
2011 this year i was living alone not sharing a room, it came again but i was able to overcome it. i also even reported to my pastor he prayed for me and asked me to pray all the time. the key weapon was the name of Jesus.
2012- currently it is problem as it comes even during the day. It comes most of the time when I take a nap. Recently i have been in fight with this demoninc agent, it took me 45 minutes to get rid of it because during this time I tried all soert of prayers but i didnt work, i cried aloud Jesus but nothing happened, I notice that it started to be serious i cried again then it started to leave me. Immediately i went to my members of Residence fellowship to come in my room and pray with me. In Jesus name i slept very well. Then 2 days after the incidence it came I gain, i dont know what have i done because this is a realyy problem to me. This thing it also pushing me to do something which i dont want do because this is realy painfull. I cant associate this demonic agents with any thing because i am a born again christian not ingaging in things of darkness. . what i have thought is that the more i have gaps or bieng absent in church services it is the more it attacks me. only God knows. If you were in this situation what would you do differently??? (sorry for speeling&grammar errors i m on hurry)
Wow, thanks for your comment. I have a long reply for you, so bare with me.
DeleteObviously being a Christian and giving your life to Jesus is the key to stopping SP.
I may recommend the http://stopsleepparalysis.org/ . Bro. Tom bionic is quite helpful. I will hit him up too and see if he has any ideas. Also check out
there are any number of things that can cause you, even as a believer in Jesus Christ to have sleep paraylsis. ask God to show you specifically what it is.
A good list can be found here:
Ask God to show you if anything on this list is causing it or not.
A few questions for you, is this SP happening in the same room everytime, or different rooms?
It could be that someone has done a ritual in the room and a spirit may be bound there. If so, plead the blood of Jesus over the room, and some say to anoint the room (doors/windows) with oil and consecrate the room with oil. I'm not 100% sure how to do that, but i've heard LA Marzulli talk about it when he goes to hotel rooms.
Another thing you can do when you get SP, call out to Jesus, or think/say the blood of Jesus. Chris White has also suggested send the being to the abyss in the name of Jesus Christ. Or ask Jesus to send them to the abyss. The key being having faith in Christ and His power to deliver you.
Lastly, before sleep, pray in the name of Jesus Christ that if anything comes while you sleep, that the Lord rebuke it. This sometimes may allow you to wake before the paralysis sets in and rebuke verbally.
I found also that praying psalm 91, and believing it, before bed also help.
Please keep me updated, I will pray for you, and hope to see you saved, healed and delivered!
I have experienced so many occult attacks.
ReplyDeleteI used to think it was just becuase of unconfessed sin,
and i must admit i am kind of sliding back into most of my sins wich i previously had quited.
But the strange thing is,that the worst and most vivid and obvious encounters i actually had was when i was doing my very very best to break away from those sins.
It seemed that the more i prayed,In Jesus name,the more they trie to manifest and actually trie to intimidate me by doing so.
It is very obvious to me that they know that i know.
They know when i sense them,they dont even bother anymore to hide it.
In fact,they delebertly try to manifest to try to intimidate me and scare me.
If their cloak isnt working,then they switch to intimidation.
If intimidation isnt working either then they trie to get you back in sin or deception.
Or they will attack trough health and financial problems as well.
I could tell so much about my personal experiences with this,I could write a book about it.
Im thinking to make a blog too just about this very subject.
Listen,im gonna share something about me.
There was this time,I was sitting behind my computer during the night.
I had lots of sins going on that period.
Smoking marihuana,masturbating,unconfessed anger towards God and much more.
Now ive been smoking marihuana for the biggest part of my life.
Anyway,although being a christian,i still had so much open defense going on,many holes in my armor.
So i was sitting behind my computer during the night,browsing youtube and commenting on illuminati,spiritual warfare and a whole bunch of other subjects.
Now out of nowhere i got these real backproblems going on.
It became so bad,i really felt that my spine was pushing against my lungs,cuasing me with a loth a breathing problems.
I prayed the whole night,but it was kind of panic prayer,not real prayer.
But it only got worse.
By the time it was morning i could barely take a few steps and be able to properly breath.
So my dad took me to the hospital.
Well,it turned out i had a collapsed lung (Out of nowwhere).
So i was hospitalised for a week.
Now the thing with this attack was,that i didnt really realize it at the moment what was going on.
I also had never heard about rus disdar before.
Now right after i got fired from the hospital,it was as if God showed me a whole bunch of things.
One of those things was that this attack,was an actual spiritual attack.
And it was true,i did have a whole bunch of sins going on during that time,and I wasnt really a real good prayer.
So here i was being involved in illuminati related topics,but with a complete open defense.
I actually intended to say much more about it and to finish my story,but i was restricted by the character limit.
ReplyDeleteSo,for the complete story i intended to write here down as a comment you could click on my name and find the post called 'sleep paralysis'.
Aaron thanks for the story.
DeleteDefinitely call out to Jesus, repent of sins!
I would also refer you to the official http://stopsleepparalysis.org/
in short, Chris White has recommended that when you get attacked, rebuke these demons to the abyss. Ask the Lord in Jesus Christ's name to send these demons to the abyss. once you start doing that, they may try to really freak you out, but if you keep doing it they will stop.
something I found that works, aside from not sinning as much as possible, is to pray before bed that the Lord rebuke anything to the abyss that comes against me.
I'll check your blog when I have some free time. as you can see, i've been off for a bit, and will continue to be so for some time.
Thank you so much for writing about this. I have experienced many episodes. Times of which I was deep into sin, to times where my relationship with God was becoming even stronger.
ReplyDeleteI had one last night, and it had been over a year since I suffered them. Recently my relationship with God has become incredibly strong. We had family members over last night (many which are not saved) to talk about the Good News.
I'm still trying to understand why it struck. I have recently been studying biblical mathematics (fascinating) and looked up, 27, today's date stands for preaching of the Gospel. Very interesting. I noticed this correlation after praying and asking God to help me understand why it happened.
This one was mild though, compared to ones I have had in the past.
Again, thanks for your post! It really helps.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I been looking at Christian forums about this topic.. and I have noticed a common trend. A lot of people have been saying that they have had SP experiences since they were around 13 or 14 years old. I have been saved since I was 5, and have been actively following God since I was around 10. My SP experiences started when I was 13 and moved away from home. I was very angry about all of that, and it took me about a year after to realize that I needed to trust God and know that He has the best plans and even though I do not understand them they are good plans. My first occurrences of SP were 3 in a week after visiting my home town. All three were demonic dreams where I could see my room and couldn't wake up, and this was before I realized I needed to trust God. I have had about one or two a year since then and I am 20 now. I have had them in the middle of the night and I have had them during naps. I am able to see my room from the position I am laying in.. and I feel an evil presence. There also have been SP occurrences when I could not breathe or move... which were very scary because I was suffocating.. unable to breathe out of my nose or open my mouth. After those I trained my body to start breathing extremely fast during SP dreams in order to wake me up and avoid suffocation. It usually takes awhile to wake up. But I have not had a suffocation experience in a very long time.
ReplyDeleteFor the first time ever, just last Sunday.. I had one that was not demonic.. or at least it doesn't appear to be. I could hear my sister and dad talking downstairs. It was kind of muffled but I picked out a few sentences at a time. I heard my dad say that they saw Jehovah's witnesses in my neighborhood. Then I heard my sister ask something about them. And then my dad said, "try not to answer the door"... then my sister said, "no, I need to tell them about Jesus"... So I could see my room from where I was laying.. though I think my eyes were closed (not completely sure how that works) and my dad came in my room really entertained and wanted me to listen to my sister try to preach the Gospel to these Jehovah's Witness people. But I could not move. I started thinking things like, "oh, I should be more like my sister and not run from the jehovah's witness but share the Gospel with them"... and my dad was still staring at me in the doorway of my room... and I started breathing very fast hoping he would wake me up. Finally I woke up and my door was still closed. My heart was beating extremely fast from my fast breathing and that didn't go away for like an hour. I went downstairs and found out that there were jehovah's witness in our neighborhood.. and my dad did say to not answer the door.. but they never came to our house. I have been very, very confused about this SP. The dream didn't appear to be demonic.. the fact that I could not wake up was demonic in my opinion. Also, My nap lasted a half an hr longer than I had planned.. and I happened to wake up just 10 minutes before I planned to leave for church. I looked at myself in the mirror.. and started thinking unfamiliar... evil thoughts about my beauty and that it was a threat and that it was evil in general. Was a confusing experience. Was not as scary as my past SP's though.
ReplyDeleteI have also experienced SP. It is horrible i dont know what to do. it all started happening after there was an iccident with my sister and my pastor came that night to pray for her, we both prayed for her and it seemed as if my sister had a demon. Before that my sister had been seeing dark shadows and things, and that night she saw and was really scared so she told me about it and i called my pastor and she came. I had never been a part of that nor had ever seen something like that so deep down i was a bit afraid but i continued praying. After we finished she felt better and was happy and looking around she couldnt see anything anymore. She didnt believe in God at first (now she does and has accepted Christ) but before it was only me in the house that was a Christian, i was the only one now glory to God it is me, my sister and my mom. Well some days later i had the first episode of SP. i had never had that before! I've had several of them after but none have been as terrifying as the first. I was sleeping in the bed with my daughter in my kid's room when all of a sudden i feel like the room is spinning and the noise i hear in my ears is the kind you would hear when you force a yawn. I felt i was literally being pulled from my feet out of the bed. I remebered even waiting for my head to hit the floor but as that happened i prayed in the name of Jesus in my head (being that i couldnt speak out loud) and it stopped and i woke up not knowing what had just happened, i fell back to sleep and this felt more of a dream but i dreamt myself possess like i felt i was being possess and couldnt control my facial expressions and it was just scary! i dont remember waking up from that and didnt even remember that happened until some days later. It is scary and hard to deal with. I gave my life to Christ 3 years ago and yes i sin because who doesnt but i know my sin is not what you would call severe. i havent left the church nor anything like that, my problem is in my mind. My mind is so hard to control, i know the enemy attacks in my mind because i get all this crazy thoughts that i find myself shaking off and rebuking, thoughts of violence and sexual and even doubts of God. I feel so lost sometimes, sometimes i feel soo far from God and i get soo stressed about it. I've spoken to my pastor about it those thoughts and it helped at that moment but i just find myself in the same place. I read the word and at the moment i feel God speaks to me but then i don't actually receive it. It's like if i forget all God has said to me and done for me. Why cant i hold on to that? it is very difficult, inside me and know God is real, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are real but why do i still doubt?! Please pray for me, i dont know you but we are all brothers and sisters and im asking with all my heart for any one reading this to keep me in prayer, you may not know who i am but God knows. Thank you all. God bless.
I've had SP since I was a sophomore in high school a few months after moving into this house. It only happened in my bedroom and the dream was always the same. I was conscious of all of my surroundings but could not move or speak. I felt a sinister presence and whenever I would think of 'Jesus,' the force would press harder on my chest. At this time, I was spiritually low with God but did not dabble with the occult or anything like that.
ReplyDeleteA few weeks later I was sleeping over at my friend's place and it happened again. This time, I saw a little boy at the edge of my bed looking at me. I couldn't see his eyes because his hair covered his face but when I cried out for Jesus in my head he ran and jumped on me and I woke up in a cold sweat. I was terrified. I would only sleep with the lights on and would not sleep in my room.
Fast forward a few years later. I committed my life back to Christ and He transformed me in amazing ways. My faith is stronger than ever but after moving in with my parents, it's happening again. Sometimes it's every other day. Last night I had it again but it seemed more powerful than usual. I called to Jesus Christ, and there was this terrible weight. I felt like I was about to hear it too.
Last night something clicked in me that I never considered before. In my house, my stepfather owns Buddhist statues. I think this is where the evil is coming from because I usually have the dreams when I'm in the house. I pray that God will continue to guard me. I also spoke with my parents and asked them to get rid of it. I pray they will and I hope they don't just move it into another room.
The website you reccomended helped out a lot, thank you. I've been having them for almost a year now. I'll go on for like a month break and have 2 or 3 months of SP. Nearly twice a week. It scares me so much. Especially the first one I ever had. I was home alone and had been up all night on my xbox 360. It was around 12 pm and I decided to take a nap. I quickly fell asleep and then the SP started. I couldn't move or speak. I didn't know what was happening and all of a sudden I hear a deep voice laughing. I quickly knew who it was. I asked him "Are you the Devil?" He let out one of the most terrifying laughs you could hear. It frightened me so much and I said "Leave in Jesus' name." It was gone. I woke up but said nothing about it to my family. I lived with non christians and my grandpa (who is a christian) lived in a motel room across town. I went to his room and cried to him, telling him my story. Later that month my grandpa moved in and it happened again during a allnighter with my xbox 360. I can't quite remember it but it was very scary. I looked up online and searched for things like "hell and heaven" on youtube and people's testomonies on it. Then my grandpa walked in and it was like 3 am. He asked me if I knew what time it was and that I shouldn't be up. I bursted into tears and said that it happened to me again. To my suprise he kind of yelled at me and said that I needed to repent, and give my life to Jesus instead of playing my game all the time. He said the game was like my version of God or something of the sort. I realized the error of my ways and completely agreed with him all the way. However they have been happening a lot more lately. One as recent as last night when this little girl (kind of like a gnome) crawled over my legs. She or whatever it was had long, blonde dirty hair. I was scared and knew it was a demon so I called out to jesus and he saved me. I went back to sleep and woke up remembering what had happened. I was so happy and even said outloud "I beat you" haha. I know Jesus did it though. He helped me, he beat it. Again thank you for the tips. I believe I can cure this now!
ReplyDeleteI just had a sleep paralysis episode a few minutes ago during an afternoon nap...my first one in a long time. I immediately googled and came to this site...I have not been able to read all the testimonies in the comments...but I will just say I can definitely tell I am in a spiritually heightened point in my life...a point of transition...I have quite a few friends praying for me...and I myself am desperately fighting to stay focused and consistently aggressive in my prayer life so that I can clearly discern God's will and receive His strength for the tasks He has set before me...But here is my question...there have been times, though, not sure if it accompanied the sleep paralysis...where the LORD has most definitely communicated to me in dreams...At least I think it was the LORD: or maybe it was the Devil but the LORD allowed it? I put a question mark because the dreams were not exactly "happy" but semi-prophetic...in that what happened in them would come to pass the following day. (nothing super dramatic, thank God, like a death or something...but it was almost as if the dreams took place to spiritually prepare me for some life challenges I would immediately face.) These dreams do not happen regularly by any means, only prior to big changes happening...and today I was napping and I can tell "uh oh paralysis" BUT I was also at the beginning of full immersion in a dream...my immediate reflex thought was "oh no, not now. I don't want to deal with this now." And I kept saying the name of Jesus in my head...and FOUGHT tooth and nail to start moving and wake up..at one point I can feel one eye fighting to open while the other was shut tight and my body was NOT cooperating..but within a minute or so "I had won" so to speak and broke out of it...or did I win? How do I know it was a dream I was supposed to face? That God may have been wanting to communicate with me? I am not so sure if the energy I was feeling was dark and evil necessarily, just creepy as it was clearly supernatural...The other thing is, unlike 2 1/2 years ago, I am at a point in my life where things are really starting to look up! The LORD has carried me through various trials and through it all I have received soo many.blatant blessings, and evidences of His goodness, faithfulness, and presence. And now, I am laying the groundwork to achieve certain goals and dreams I believe the LORD has called and readied me to pursue...and so of course, I can understand why the enemy wants to attack..achieving these goals is going to require SO MUCH focus and discipline and endurance!SO my question is: how do I know its sleep paralysis I immediately want to wake up from or a dream I need the courage to experience???
ReplyDeleteI can't really remember getting sleep paralysis other than once or twice as a child. I was recently baptized and welcomed Christ into my life. I moved out of my parents house (I'm 21) and came back for a visit and to spend the night. While I was having a nap (mid afternoon) I encountered SP. I could see my room and the sunlight through the windows, although everything was a bit hazy. That was when I realized I couldn't move. I couldn't speak although I could make slight moaning noises. I felt like there was a million pounds being pressed on my body. I heard voices calling out to me and hissing noises. I had never felt so afraid, because I felt that I was alone (I think that's what the voices were telling me). I knew I wasn't alone and I wanted to prove to the voices that Jesus is my Savior. I started repeating in my mind "The blood of Jesus Christ," I was extremely disoriented but by the third time I successfully said it it felt like all the weight had been lifted off of me and all I saw was light. I felt love and felt like I was being lifted somewhere at an extremely fast speed, almost the speed of light. I felt weightless and happy, like a child. It felt like I was in the presence of God's love and He was happy with me.
ReplyDeleteKaren, God bless you, and all those struggling with attacks and doubts and fears. I just want to say that doubts are normal, nothing to be ashamed of. Just bring them all to God honestly. Let them drive you closer to Him. And remember that you can call on Jesus' name when it comes to demonic attacks. You have to, because it is one of the one real weapons we have against evil. That and prayer and the Holy Spirit. You do not fight alone. You fight from the winning side. It is funny, but I thought I was the only one to have that 'forced yawn' sound in my ears as part of an attack. Check out my blog about my struggle with my faith and spiritual attacks, specifically the post 'Supernatural Stuff and Spiritual Armor' at myimpressionisticlife.blogspot.com and 'Child of Mine: chapter 22: In Jesus' Name' at sweetlybrokengirl.blogspot.com. I'll say a prayer for you. God bless you and keep you in His warm, safe embrace.