Saturday, January 8, 2011

Alien Abduction Autopsy: The Betty Andreasson Abduction part 1

I first heard of Betty Andreasson's abduction case in Jim Marrs' "Alien Agenda" book. What caught my interest about her case is that every time it's brought up they always mention that Betty is/was a Christian. Another curious thing is that it's touted (why do i use that word so much?) as being fairly well documented. There are also at least four books about her case by Raymond E. Fowler, each one more strange than the last. Book 1 and 3 are easily available online, but 2 & 4 are very expensive to buy.

Another interesting thing is that while Jim Marrs mentioned it, it was only briefly, and no other researcher seems to want to touch it. I've asked Allejandro Rojas via email (when he was on UFO Thinktank) what he thought of the case. I never received a reply. Though he hosts "Open Minds" Radio, there is one angle he has yet to cover, and that is the Biblical perspective of UFOs. Not to just bash Allejandro, he's not the only one ignoring this case.

So, after reading Marrs' account, I tried to find out more about Betty's case. Google turned up very little, though there is more out there now there really isn't anything that good. I don't that my treatment of it will be any better, but I want to take a look at her experience through a Biblical lense. Though I read "Watchers" first (see also the Book of Enoch for more on Watchers) I wanted to start at the beginning.

For simplicity's sake, I want to refer to the beings as aliens, because that's what they present themselves as. I truly believe that they are demonic entities presenting themselves as aliens. I am not alone in this assesment of aliens in general as Joe Jordan of CE4 Research, Guy Malone, and LA Marzulli are of the same opinion, and in fact played a large role in restoring my faith in Christ.

So, as I was reading, I just made brief notes about interesting things I found. I apologize for not putting direct quotes, but I don't have the time to do so. Not to mention I don't want to damage the book by holding it open. Instead, I will put the page number and paraphrase what I find interesting, and try to look at it Biblically. Please pray for wisdom from God before reading further, and come to your own conclusions. Everything below is from "The Andreasson Affair" by Raymond E. Fowler. It is not an especially well written, but the information it contains is quite fascinating.

The following is a breakdown of chapters 1 & 2. Betty Andreasson and her family were watching TV, and suddenly they saw a pinkish light, and then everyone but Betty was frozen in time. Then she witnessed a procession of "aliens" come through the solid door as though they were not physical beings.

Pg 2 – 3: Establishes Betty’s Christian faith. It does not describe her faith in detail, other than she went to church and read Bible stories. It also establishes that much of what Betty remembers of her abduction was learned from hypnosis. More on hypnosis later.

Page 8: Fowler decided that they needed to unlock Betty Andreasson’s memories of the abduction events. He then referred back to Betty and Barney Hill, widely held to be the first abduction case in America. Hypnosis was used extensively to obtain details about the Hill abduction. (The Hill story is also said to have a number of inconsistencies. Joe Montaldo ICAR researcher/host for “UFO Undercover” contends that the inconsistencies can be explained by multiple abductions. That's a story for another day.)

Joe Jordan of CE4 Research (, former MUFON investigator has stated in interviews that hypnosis can quite possibly open up spiritual doorways, which leads me to believe that abductions would become more intense or happen more frequently. Later on Betty’s experiences (Watchers) become even more bizarre and frightening, sort of proving my point. Joe has said before that relying on the Holy Spirit to reveal details as necessary is how he helps council abductees, and this does not allow demons to enter the way hypnosis does, for obvious reasons.

Hypnosis is essentially being put into a trance, or an altered state of consciousness. In my own studies, being in an altered state of consciousness opens one up to a wide variety of demonic activity. In this state, people have seen spirits, UFOs, the future (imperfect usually), or other beings. These altered states were brought on by: Qi Gong, meditation, contemplative prayer (probably), and channeling just to name a few. Avoid practicing those.

Page 13: The “alien” beings essentially “phased” through her door the way that ghosts are able to in the movies. Betty, under hypnosis recalls that several beings came through her door in this manner. The beings that entered were the typical grey aliens. These ones were clad in suits of some type that seem to differ from other accounts of greys. Betty also mentions later on that the skin of these beings looks like clay.

Betty stated that they must have been angels mainly because Jesus was able to walk through doors and walls. (I don't believe the Bible said that He walked through the walls, though He likely could have. The event she may be referring to is when Christ, post resurrection, appeared in the closed, locked room) In any event, she thought these beings to be angels, because in her mind they had abilities equal to what she thought Christ had been able to do. Ray Fowler dismissed this theory altogether as part of her Christian worldview.

Page 15- 16: The lead alien named Quazgaa seemed to indicate to Betty that he wanted something to eat, she eventually learned that he wanted to ingest “knowledge tried by fire.” Curiously, Betty took the aliens into the living room, where family was frozen in time, and she gave him her Bible. Then Quazgaa gave her a thin book in return. Betty’s Bible seemed to duplicate itself and materialize in the hands of the other aliens. An interesting note was that the Bible they all held was thicker.

My opinion on that is that they wanted to give the impression there were things left out of the Bible so as to discredit it. It’s also a dazzling, shocking event, but it doesn’t necessarily have any substance to it. It would be very easy for a demon to make it look like a Bible was duplicated, without having anything of importance actually happen. The book they gave her also seems to be a trick of the same sort.

Page 17: Betty described the alien as looking like a “clay man.” This is interesting to me as it brings to mind the Prague Golem, a creature made of clay. I find this curious because it seems like something Aleister Crowley might have tried to make, and indeed he had a contact with a spiritual entity that looked like a gray alien. Not sure if there’s any connection, or even if making a golem is possible, but it’s something to think about. Did Crowley make golems? Is it just to crazy? Betty mentions several times on page 18 that they look like they are made of clay, so in my mind this clay-likeness must be important.

In the "Watchers" book, she does not describe them this way, but rather more as a human that has undergone various changes.

Page 18 – 19: The investigators were asking Betty questions while she was under hypnosis. Some of them appear to be leading (in my opinion). Perhaps I’m grasping at straws on this one, but it just jumped out at me. Betty also said they were scary.

Page 20: Becky Andreasson (Betty's daughter) gives her terror filled account of the same events Betty experienced. She was also scared.

Page 21: Betty looked in the blue book that Quazgaa gave her, and she describes the following. “I saw this silver gray-top thing with, like coils-and there was this sort of a wheel, and inside were four things. I can’t make out what these things are...”

To me this is reminiscent of Ezekiel’s wheel that is often quoted by ancient astronaut proponents. The difference being that many AA theorists think the angels described by Ezekiel are aliens. I would like to turn the tables (and of course it’s not my original idea) that maybe the aliens are really fallen angels. I hate to step out on this limb. It is pure speculation, my theory is that maybe there were fallen angels of a similar variety to the Ezekiel type, or perhaps there were other fallen angels mimicking that form and they maybe were involved with the Andreasson case. Perhaps they wanted to allude to the Ezekiel angels to imply that those angels were aliens, and discredit the Bible.

In any event, the description is not exact, but vaguely similar and she only saw it in the alien book, so it is speculation of the purest form.

Here is a link to the description of the angels in Ezekiel.

Page 22: The crucial piece of Betty’s experiences. If she had responded correctly here, perhaps everything would have stopped altogether and there would be no books about Betty Andreasson or her abduction.

The aliens wanted Betty to follow them. It seems that in order for them to take her, some sort of permission was required. This jibes with what Joe Jordan, LA Marzulli, Lynn Dickie and others say, in that these demonic beings need a legal rite, or permission on some level to conduct their illicit affairs. At this point, Betty was not under their power.

The beings asked “Would you follow us”

Betty replied “Are you of God?”

This exchange went back and forth for a bit, Betty indicated that if they were here to help, and were of God, then she would go with them. She then said “Do not deceive me.”

The beings had no reply other than “Follow us.” At this point, they were able to over power Betty’s will to a point and she prayed for God to show her the way, and she seemingly followed them. At no point did she ask Jesus for help, nor did she ask God in the name of Jesus to help or guide her. I think this is an important detail. Without Jesus, or appealing to God through Jesus, none of us have any hope. Only through Jesus, may we have access to the Father.

LA Marzulli, UFO researcher indicates that testing the spirits is VERY important. He often quotes 1 John 4:1 -4:3 as a way to test the spirits, should the need arise. He claims that asking a spirit if Jesus Christ came in the flesh is the surest way to test them. Apparently, they cannot answer this truthfully. See verse 4:2. I have not put this to the test, and I honestly hope and pray that I never will, but it seems as though it would make sense to me. I have however had demonic attack (sleep paralysis) stop when I asked Jesus Christ for help, thus proving that they must obey Jesus Christ.

1 John 4:1 – 4:3

4:1 - Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world.

4:2 - This is the way to find out if they have the Spirit of God: If a prophet acknowledges that Jesus Christ became a human being, that person has the Spirit of God.

4:3 - If a prophet does not acknowledge Jesus, that person is not from God. Such a person has the spirit of the Antichrist. You have heard that he is going to come into the world, and he is already here.

If Betty had asked this instead of asking if they are of God, things may have turned out quite differently for Betty. Additionally, If Betty, as a Christian, would have told them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ, they would have had to leave. Joe Jordan has HUNDREDS of documented cases on his CE4 research webpage that prove that Christians have been able to stop alien abduction by asking Christ for help, or rebuking the “aliens” in the name of Jesus Christ.

Based on Joe Jordan's (and other's) research, aliens are demonic beings, and thus subject to the authority of Christ. Jesus has authority over ALL things, this includes “aliens,” and all things except God the father.

1 Corinthians 15:27 – 28

Luke 10:22

Hebrews 2:8, 9, 14

2:14 - Because God's children are human beings--made of flesh and blood--Jesus also became flesh and blood by being born in human form. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the Devil, who had the power of death.

Ephesians 1:22

And since the Bible tells us we have become co-heirs with Christ, and are given authority, through Christ over demons.

Luke 10:19, 20

10:19 - And I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.

10:20 - But don't rejoice just because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered as citizens of heaven."

But what if using the name of Jesus doesn't work? What then? I would ask a few things. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Have you accepted Him as savior? Do you believe He paid the price for our sin, died, and was resurrected? Are you a true Christian with sin in your life? If these things are not right in your life, demons will not obey. Also look through the FAQs ( here.

Right out of the gate, it's quite clear to me that Betty Andreasson is dealing with demons. It is not something that's easy to see. She missed it herself! Who would think right off that something that looks "alien" may not actually be alien, but a demon? I was deceived myself for some time on this matter.

A case that seemingly put a kink in the aliens are demon theory can now be seen for what it was. Afterall, if Betty is a Christian, how did demons (playing aliens) get away with this? No doubt many UFO researchers could point to this case and say that Christians have no authority over abductions, they are wrong about the demon thing. But even in the first two chapters, it's easy to see where Betty dropped the ball. The rest of her family did as well, as some of them give their account of what happened as well. She may have been saved, but she was ill prepared for the spiritual battle she became part of. It's sad to say, but the modern church is in a similar spot right now.

Here is where Betty went wrong, just in the first two chapters. 1) She did not rely on Jesus. Either to help her escape, or as a way to test the spirits. 2) She took the being at face value, assuming him to be an angel. Even so, she should have tested him. Thus far, she has not said anything about alien, that presumption was the supposition of the researchers. 3) She asked God for wisdom, but not in the name of Christ. 4) She asked the being, nonchalantly, if he were of God, and not to deceive her. She did not claim her Christ given authority. 5) She was scared of the beings. The angels in the Bible did cause fear in people, but they always said to "Fear not." The beings Betty met, did nothing to ease the fear they caused.

Angel or alien? The evidence so far is ambiguous if you just look at the straight evidence. Beings entered, froze everyone in time, and displayed a few dazzling lights. Fowler and the other researchers present it as an alien abduction and even discount Betty's Christian explanation. Though the beings up until chapter 2 have done nothing to unequivocally reveal their origin, I think the case can be made that Betty was abducted by demons as easily aliens. Afterall, if Fowler and the others can assert their view that she was taken by aliens, why not a case for demons?

Next time, part 2. Chapter 3 - ?


  1. You have an interesting idea about this subject however all the demons and angels in the Bible were extraterrestrials. Invoking Jesus would not have helped Betty because these were aliens and would not have understood who or what this Jesus would be. As aliens they are much more intelligent than we humans and probably got rid of any religious ideas many hundreds of years ago realizing that they were misleading and false.

  2. You are free to disagree with me, that's fine. but i have a few points...

    "Invoking Jesus would not have helped Betty because these were aliens and would not have understood who or what this Jesus would be"

    May I pose a question? Then why do many aliens have a preoccupation with Jesus? Some claim to have made Him. Some claim that He was evolved, etc.

    Also, I would refer you to Joe Jordan's CE4 website to read the HUNDREDS of testimonies of people who have stopped "alien" abductions in the name of Christ.

    Shalom, and thanks for your comment.

  3. The Ancient Aliens series has a lot of compelling speculation so I am keeping my mind open as to whether or not extraterrestrial aliens exist.

  4. They do I suppose, but I. Watched an episode, and every large, flagt stone was an alien landing platform. I can't say with 100% certainty there are no aliens, but I think I can be pretty sure that ET hasn't visited us.

    The stories of ancient aliens, are IMO opinion, fallen angels. Still I think IF aliens existed , CS Lewis' "out of the silent planet" is a pretty good model.

    Just because a being says it's an alien doesn't mean it is.

    Still, research the other evidence, LA Marzuli's "alien interviews" and Joe Jordan's work with CE4 is a good place to look too.

    Anyyways, hope you enjoy the betty series, and do some more research. Ask God to show you the truth. He will.

  5. I just stumbled on your blog - I have experience with this.. and I have been putting a lot of thought into the very ideas you have discussed here. When I have been visited and I call on Jesus - It stops. Sometimes its as though they would try to hold my mind closed - but NOTHING can move through Christ and his spirit. I have tried to discuss with others who are open minded, but I find maybe they are not Christians and are in denial.

  6. Praise God Stacy! I'm so glad to hear of your victory over the so called "aliens" through Jesus Christ! Just so I'm clear, are you saved and have you given your life to Christ? It sounds like it, but I like to be clear.

    I myself was in the dark on it, but I asked God to show me the truth and He did.

    You probably know some of these, but If you're looking for some folks of a like mind to fellowship with, you can check out LA Marzulli's blog (google it, its easy to find). Be patient though, some of the folks there are a little tough to get on with. I post there occasionally.

    LA mArzulli himself might be interested as well to hear from you, as would Joe Jordan. I don't know how to get in touch with him, but I think CE4 research is the name. He would also love to talk probably.

    One more, Gaz Parker (New Age deception blog) is always looking for testimonys to play for his podcast, so check his blog out and get in touch.

    I can relate to you though, my father saw a UFO when he was 12, and is totally sold on the space visitor side. Yet he comes to church with me, and has a lot of churchianity's trappings. I told him of this stuff, and he keeps on with UFO magazine and Ghosthunters.

    Thanks again for sharing! Feel free to leave more comments, and don't hesitate to put a brief testimony into a comment something. I'd love to post it here if you're ok with that. If not, that's ok too.

    Thanks again.

  7. I've been a born again christian for 2 and a half years. Before this, I read many many alien books and I assumed they really were extraterrestrial. Now I have the Holy Spirit within me and an angel from God also came to me and told me I would never be visited by aliens again and that they were demons. And I specifically asked the angel, what about Betty Andreasson, she claims to be a christian, why does she get abducted. The angel told me that she is not a christian. Just wanted to say I like your page and I agree with you. I know u don't have to believe what I am saying. It's ok though. God bless you.

  8. Jesus Freak,

    Awesome story!

    Judging by your story, the angel didn't accept worship, and pointed you to the truth, so it sounds possibly legit to me. As long as he pointed you back to Jesus Christ, that's what counts.

    Betty Andreasson's faith I really can't 100% speak to. It does seem as though she isn't a Christian. But I wonder what her faith really was at the time of her abduction. If anything, it seems as though it was a Luke-warm Christianity that she may have departed from.

    Thanks for sharing! Keep in touch!

  9. The angel that walks with me, is here to show me how to be a man of God. I don't know why God has sent an angel to me. Only God knows, but I know I am blessed. And your right, the angel only speaks from the word of God (Bible) and never ever has wanted any kind of worship. Just to be more specific, he told me I wouldn't be bothered by aliens (demons) anymore, because I now had the Holy Spirit living within me. And I didn't ask the angel about Betty Andreasson until about 2 weeks ago (funny how i ended up finding your site). The angel also asked me to throw away all my alien books away (had about 40), when i first became born again, two and half years ago. Which I did. Now I like to look up these aliens on internet, to see if hopefully others know that they are really demons from Satan. I'm glad u and a few others know the truth, because I never knew, before I became a christian. Take care.

  10. That's great that you're really coming along in faith. I'm glad you enjoyed the series and that God seems to be helping you leave behind your past.

    Because I don't fully know your situation, I just want to throw some things out. If anything, for other readers, and for you personally.

    Just remember, to test the spirits. The angel talking to you should be pointing you to accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. If not, you may be trading on demon (aliens) for another. As long as you've given your life to Jesus Christ, accepted Him as savior and repented, you now are saved.

    I say this, to urge you to remember to test the spirits. It's a good sign the angel isn't asking for worship, but better safe than sorry. 1 John 4:1 - 3

    Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

    Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

    And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

    Just make sure that you test your angel next time he appears. Also remember in Revelation when John saw the angel, and went to worship, the angel IMMEDIATELY told him not to. I'm not sayng your angel is up to anything, but as LA Marzulli always says "rebuke first and ask questions later".

    Definitely keep in touch! I will be praying for you!

  11. look according to paul an scripture every single day we must put on the whole armor of god,otherwise we could be a guaranteed casualty,meaning that despite being christians the devil an his dominion( evil spirits an the like,ie aliens or whatever)he can an will try in many sorts of ways to distort our beliefs an cause us to sin.the bible states unequivocally that.For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.ephesians 6-12.of course if we have placed our TRUST in(greek metanoia 360 DEG TURN))JESUS.then we can withstand satan an his forces but we still sin,an we must ask forgiveness almost daily for those sins.john the focus should be on other not mary ,or saints or anything heavenly if that spirit does not acknowledge jesus in the flesh who died an was raised bodily from the dead. an this applies to apparitions no matter how good it seems to be.we are to test all spirits an see if they acknowledge jesus as god in the i have never seen in any mary apparitions to state that.they talk about jesus an say many good things but fail the be careful an on guard.

  12. Amen!

    (And for your Mary comment too!)

  13. i would just like to say as far as aliens(if we mean not of this earth type beings)then i would classify them as satans false spirits.ive been an amatuer astronomer since 1957 an i also have a master degree in physics am an ba in astronomy an this day i have never encountered an alien from space or read any so called reliable abduction an im familiar with all of the famous ones.remember the mind is very subjective to many things.many people claim that god talks or they have seen him,yet what they say does not line up with scripture.i cannot for any certainty say that aliens dont exist but i doubt it.many say they see angels but that is false.angels or demons cannot take on physicality unless god allows it.only god can take on the physical.if that were not so then satan could have masqueraded as the risen christ an fooled in the bible there are a few cases where angels took on sodom an when jesus was born but god directed that for a specific purpose.the angel of the lord in the bible is jesus which is a christopany or appearance of jesus in the old testament taking on physical form.satan an his demons do NOT have gods powers.they cannot be anywhere whenever they wish. so there limited to what they can do.but of course they can make a mind to mind contact with us to tempt an distort an cause us to weaken.thats why we must put on the full armor of god as paul says everyday or we could be in troulble.but as real cristians we cannt be taken over cause the holy spirit who is god is inside of us despite our sinful nature when we trust in christ.SO we need not fear any outside alien,demon or force.greater is he that is in you an than he(satan) who is in the world!

  14. Amen.

    I will conced that IF an actual, physical alien being exists, they would want nothing to do with us in our fallen state.

    IF such beings existed, I'd imagine a scenario similar to CS Lewis' "Out of the Silent Planet"

  15. i would agree with that NO ONE.So many people an cristians as well get caught up in reincarnation,fortune telling ,horoscopes an the like it just amazes i said prior the mind is very subjective an wants to somehow get in contact with the void we all have inside,so they fall for just about anything.jesus said my people lack for understanding.i dont have that void any more cause i TRUST in jesus an thats how we get salvation.its not by our works or baptism or any formulas.we are all sinners an fall short but we have an advocate with god jesus who bore all of our sins ,past,present an future.if that were no so, we would all be in despite what the flesh does we are saved.once we are saved by trusting(greek metanoia-change of direction)we then work towards bettering ourselves an helping others then we get the good works do not attain salvation but christ is all we need nothing else.god did not need to send down many avatars to change man,that would never,he sent one to save man cause of what HE DID.he who committed no sin.cause thats the only person who could do it.GOD.(jesus christ)

  16. Amen.

    I can't believe it, but I used to read horoscopes as a Christian. At first "for fun" but it soon devolved into checking it everyday to see what good things might come my way. I was then putting my hope in horoscopes, not Jesus. I even started checking the vedic (indian) horoscopes because they were said to be more accurate. They weren't.

  17. Within the last few years I have been attacked daily by unclean spirits. I dont live in a christian home and I attribute these attacks to that reason. My situation is complicated but I pray for deliverance daily. I know that in my heart of hearts that this alien theory is growing ever more powerful in the minds of nonbelievers. These entities have attacked my dreams and my sleeping hours. Once I envoke the name of Christ Jesus I am set free from this sleep parlysis that has only set in once. I don the armor of God over myself and my family as often as I can. God be praised and Jesus' name be lifted on high amen. God be with all of you my brothers and my sisters in Christ Jesus. Amen

  18. Amen. ET trembles at the name of Jesus.

    Something to maybe help, they're things I have done (and God has used) to keep me from night attacks.

    ask God to show you any open doors (generational sin, objects in the home, entertainment choices) and ask Jesus to close those doors. Plead the blood of Jesus over your house and anyone in it. Chris White suggests praying for the Lord to send any spirits that attack you to the abyss. Check out his stuff for that. Something Like "Lord if any demons attack in the night, please see fit to send them to the abyss in the name of your Son Jesus.

    Psalm 91 also is good, go the shelter of the Lord every night before bed in prayer.

    Peace, and may we meet in the presence of Jesus.

  19. Various entities in the Bible are called "The Lord" (OT).
    Jesus taught about Love of God; for some reason He seemed
    to have recruited the persecutor Saul to present a message
    with a somewhat different emphasis (like perhaps escape from Hell?). There may be a need for a different emphasis for spiritually mature souls relative to "babes"? Since The Lord operates at the spiritual level He sees people from the inside through their souls. He Knows who and what he is actually dealing with. Extreme differences in spiritual levels in the kingdom might be indicated by the difference between souls that are trying to escape from responsibility and those willing to endure what Jesus endured? Can this extreme difference between souls be described as the difference between demons and angels? I hold the opinion that many Christians need to follow Jesus' command to seek at the spiritual level rather than the mental level. Humans seem to have a way of reducing religion to the level of cosmic politics rather than spiritual growth. Jesus spoke in a parable about this in terms of the spiritual bank account. It is quite possible
    that the Andreasson Affair had much to do with Jesus?
    People should carefully study the first Ray Fowler book
    for possible clues. Indeed the Bible also talks about being
    tried by fire; which is the purpose of the hard knocks of
    physical life.

  20. Within many movies, such as THE GATE, it is amazing how the minions of SATAN resemble the GREYS of UFO reports. Do our governments know something we dont? Could it be that with all this UFO activity, and exposior to UFO knowledge, via news, and the entertainment media, that people are being set up to believe that an invasion from space (Christs return maybe), is anything but hostile? Would not we all join forces to fight the incoming invasion, like in the movie INDEPENDENCE DAY, of which a second is being made! There will indeed be war in space, if humanity believes an Invasion from hostile aliens is going to happen.

    1. The short answer, about the gov't, unfortunately seems to be yes.

      Check out Future Quake's interviews with 1) ray boeche and 2) Nick Redfern about the same issue. I forget the details, but they go into great detail about how they knowingly contacted satanic beings posing as aliens.

    2. As to the alien invasion, sounds close to this with some twists and turns.

  21. I believe that I have been abducted on many occasions.Woke up time and again with bruises on my wrists and ankles like some on has used pressure to hold me.All i know is that the bruises were not there when I went to bed.I awoke(?) to find a blue light like an electrical charge going over me amd can not move a muscle,remember calling o"Jesus help me" and it stops but at the time did not make the connection even though I am a born again christan.I did not know at that time that they were demons.How about another one,In the mid 80's i dreamed(?) that i went right through the wall and floated accross the yard and into a disk floating above the ground,next morning my mother said she had something real strange happen to her.In the middle of the night she was awakened by a very bright light coming through her window even though she had heavy drapes over them,she starts to get up and see what it is and she hears a voice that says " do not get up do not look out your window or you will be very sorry.She said this voice was very meaniceing and sounded almost evil,so she just lay there.It was from that time on that I began to believe these things were not here to help us.I have wittnessed a hybrid in open daylight,and he was with 4 men who I beleive were government,not alien at all.It truley wasn't untill I saw LA Marzulli on Sid Roths show that I got hit with the TRUTH right between my eyes.Now I know what to do "they" will never get close to me again .Thank you Jesus!!!!Oh and by the way If you wake up and smell something that smells like burning cardboard it's them,that's what they smell like to me.A friend of mine said they smelled like sulfur to her.If you do smell this don't look around just close youir eyes and plead the Blood of Jesus.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this, I am grateful!
      Absolutely chilling.

      The smell is interesting, it's not all that common to smell something, though some people do and have described sulfur and / or burning smells.

      Glad to hear LA turned your light on! He helped me, though the Lord had to bring me to about 5 or 6 sources before I got on boards. I guess I'm just tough to get it.

      Thanks again!
